Sunday, March 3, 2019

Southern Comfort Bocce Tournament

Today was the last Bocce of the year and the Southern Comfort Tournament that ends the Bocce Season! It was a beautiful day for it. I couldn't help but take this picture of the blooming trees in the front of the Hall.

It takes a TON of volunteers to pull off this tournament and celebration!

And there are just as many spectators!

Linda Cesario giving us information on the timing of the rest of the day.

There was a break in the middle of the event and then we met back in the Hall for the rest of the event.

This team won the "Nice Try" Award which is sadly Last Place but we know they had fun getting there! 

Here are the 4th Place Winners: 

These are the 3rd Place Winners:

 These are the 2nd Place Winners:

And the All Women's Team won 1st Place: Barb Soregaroli, Pat Bremer, Karen Wilberding and ?

                 The Ladies and their Trophy. Congratulations!! 

 The Referees - It's a tough job but someone has to do it!

 The winner of the wooden bowl and the guy who donated it

Our Dinner, Chicken and Pork, Cole Slaw, a Baked Potato with all the fixings, a roll. Then for dessert ice cream bars.

We had a stand in singer for awhile tonight because Stephen May was late to perform, however, our stand in - a friend of Linda and Ugo's, Dennis Muth. He did a great job!

Stephen May arrived and played for the rest of the evening! We took some pictures of the dancing but for some reason they just didn't turn out. 

It was a great evening. Thanks to Ugo and Linda for hosting the event. Thanks to all the many volunteers that it took to make this event run so smoothly and thanks to all the participants in the games. 

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