Monday, March 11, 2019

Meeting Minutes March 12, 2019

Thank Yous:

Lee and I would like to thank all the volunteers who helped us out putting the tags on the chairs for the concert and also to those who stopped in to help remove them and put them in order. Your help is greatly appreciated.

We’d also like to thank the volunteers who helped us at the Garage Sale. Connie Carlson and Penny Berry cleaned out all of the Activity drawers under the stage for us. Thanks to Marlene who spent days sorting and tagging things for us in the Activity Office. And, finally, thanks to Marlene, Maxine Johnston, and Roxanne Schnicker for assisting us during the Garage Sale. We were able to clean out a lot of stuff that we haven’t used for awhile and so we have room now to do some cupboard cleaning in the Office. We also made enough to purchase a desk for Marlene. I don’t know if she’ll be able to adjust to having an actual desk instead of a small table with practically no work space.

Calendar Changes:

If you haven’t yet changed your calendar, then add March 16th, Golf Party in the Hall from 1 to 6 PM. 

On March 14th, add Trivia to your calendar from 2 PM to 4 PM. You can play Trivia and then stay for the Soup Supper.

Texas Citrus Pest and Disease Management Corporation:

Eduardo Chavez who is the FSMA and Compliance Officer for the Texas Citrus Pest and Disease Management Corporation stopped in to see me last week. The Ag officials are concerned about citrus greening disease. We are almost to a quarantine situation here in the Valley and if we get there we will not be able to take any citrus home with us. Citrus greening can kill citrus plants and the disease is spreading throughout the Valley. Once a tree is infected, the fruit may become inedible. 

Teams of federal, state and industry inspectors have been searching for signs of the disease in the Valley, in some cases by going door to door to test trees in backyards as well as at the recreational vehicle parks.

Mr. Chavez will be here in the park on Thursday at 8:30 AM. He will be taking the fruit off of your trees and gathering the fruit off the ground. If you want to keep your fruit, please put a container for your picked fruit. If you have already picked your fruit and would like to know if it is edible, leave a basket of oranges out on your driveway. He will remove the inedible fruit that is not safe to eat. He will also leave you with written information regarding citrus tree diseases and what to look out for.

St. Patrick’s Day Festivities:  

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day and we will be celebrating “Your Lucky Day.” We have a lot planned for the day.

11:00 AM We will have a Scavenger Hunt. You’ll need to have a bike, golf cart or car for this event. Meet in the hall to find out about the event. You don’t have to leave your cart or car for this event but you might need some help spotting the items that you are looking for. We’ll explain more when you arrive at the Hall. The winner or winners of the event in case of at tie will win prizes which will be awarded at the Lawn Party.

1:00 PM Golf Cart Parade. Decorate yourselves and your carts or bicycles. We will meet in the Bull Pen and join Country Sunshine or a ride around the two parks. Bring candy to throw to the spectators. I’ll get more information from Debbie this week.

3:30 PM Poker Run. Meet in the Hall at 3:30 PM and bring $2 per player. We’ll have several homes who have agreed to hand out cards. You’ll travel to those homes taking any route you want and at each place you will choose a card from a full deck of cards. When you return to the Hall, you’ll turn in your sheet that will show the cards you picked and the best hand will win the whole pot. In case of a tie, you’ll have to share, however, we have never had a tie before. The money will be awarded to the winner at the Lawn Party.

Lawn Party: The Lawn Party will start at 5 PM about where we set up for the Party Under the Palms. You can bring you own picnic meal and we will provide Green Beer, Soda Pop and Water. Carlos Canas will be playing for our entertainment on the patio right outside the shed. We will bring out the giant Jenga and the Pick Up Sticks Games. 


Photo Directory: If you haven’t had your picture taken for the Directory, please stop in the office and see us. The cost for adding a picture that Rod didn’t take is $5 so it will cost $20 for taking the picture and your Directory. You will receive these next fall when you arrive or sooner if you are a full time resident.

Activity Information Sheets:

I have received a slug of Activity Information Sheets back and I appreciate that. There are still a few of the weekly activities that I have not received. I put a list of those on the Bulletin Board in the back. Please get a sheet to me as soon as possible. The Activity sheets are right below it. If you are planning a one time event, see me as soon as possible if I don’t have a sheet. The calendar is filling up fast. 

And, to our new residents, if there is an activity that you enjoyed in your last park and you would like to see it at Southern Comfort, come and see me in the Activity Department. We may be able to make that happen. Please fill out a card and make a request. 


There has been an ongoing conversation among the Encore Parks in the Valley about Bingo, the rules, the payouts and what is and is not allowed. Victoria and I will be speaking to Tony on Tuesday afternoon to get clarification on whether we need to make any changes. The one thing we know for sure is that we need to start wearing our badges to Bingo. A person that is not wearing a badge that shows that they are a resident of an Encore Park in the Valley is not allowed to receive any winnings so please wear your badges to Bingo tonight. 

Also, just to be on the safe side of things, our pots will be limited to $10 this week. We hope that after our meeting with Tony, we will know exactly where we stand on the rules and regulations and how we should proceed. We will not make any changes that are not necessary we can assure you.  


Riverside Cruise:

There are still a few seats for the Riverside Dreamer Cruise which is scheduled for March 23rd. There is a signup sheet in the back of the hall with the details. This is our last trip for the season.


This afternoon at 1 PM there is a new resident meeting here in the Hall with Marlene. Cookies and Juice will be served along with a lot of information.

March 12th, The Craft Show will start at 8 AM. 

March 12th, Trip to the Monza Chocolate Factory.

March 12th, HH at 4 and Potluck a 5 PM in the Hall. Bring a dish to share with 6 to 8 people, your own plates and silverware. There will be iced tea and coffee. If you want something else to drink, it is BYOB.

March 13th, Wednesday, 2 PM, is the Port Of Brownsville Boat Trip. This trip is now closed. Please gather in the Hall at 12:15 to arrange ride sharing and plan to leave at 12:30 PM. Lee has maps available in the office if you need them. 

March 14th, Thursday, Dummy Rummy Tournament from 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM in the Hall. 

March 14th, Thursday, 2 PM, Trivia in the Hall. I believe Myrna will give you more info on this.

March 14th, Thursday, Residents’ Soup Supper Fundraiser, HH at 4 PM and Soup at 5 PM. Please make sure you sign up at the back of the Hall. You do not want to miss out on the great company and the wonderful soups!

March 15th, Friday, Kitchen Band Get Together in the Outback from 3 to 6 PM.

March 16th, Saturday, Golf Party in the Hall from 1 to 6 PM.

March 17th, Sunday, It’s St. Patrick’s Day and “Your Lucky Day.

This Week at Country Sunshine:

You can take advantage of these events at Country Sunshine this week. 

On March 13th they will be serving lunch from 11 – 12:30.

On March 9th, there is a Dance with The Coins at 7 PM. Tickets are $7 at the door.

On March 10th, Men of Accord are the entertainers at 7 PM. Tickets are $6 at the door. 


March 19th, 11:30 AM Peter Piper Pizza

March 19th, 3-5 Meet & Greet Bash with new Residents w/MC Express

March 26th,   at 1:30 PM: We will have a Summer Club Meeting here in the Hall to discuss what we want on the calendar for this summer. I have some ideas and I would like to hear yours.

March 20th, Wednesday, 11:30 Shuffleboard Luncheon in the Hall

March 22nd, Friday at 8:30 AM Friendly Shuffle.

March 23rd, Saturday, Boat Trip on the Riverside Dreamer and Lunch (sign up at the back of the Hall)

March 25th, Monday – Last Monday Morning Meeting.

March 26th,   at 1:30 PM: We will have a Summer Club Meeting here in the Hall to discuss what we want on the calendar for this summer. I have some ideas and I would like to hear yours.

April 8th, Monday – First Summer Club Meeting – I’m giving myself a week off for good behavior! LOL

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