Monday Morning Meeting: Every Monday at 9 AM, there is a meeting in the Hall to hear about this week’s activities from our Activity Director, Mary Benfield, and our Manager, Laura Burks, keeps us current on other resort issues like security and maintenance.  Note: In the summer the meetings are held on Tuesday at 9 AM.

Monthly Calendar: A calendar listing regular weekly events and special events is available shortly before the start of each month. They are available in the front of the hall on the tables behind the Coffee machine.

Swift 911: In case there is an emergency affecting people in the resort, we have a program that notifies our residents in advance. In order to get connected with Swift 911, you must contact the Business Office and ask them to include you in this program. Then you choose whether to be contacted by phone, text or e-mail.

Activities Blog ( is the place to go to find out what is happening in the resort. If you miss a Monday morning meeting or didn’t catch the details on something that was said, the Minutes of the Monday Morning Meeting will be posted to this blog so that you have a way to review the information presented. It also has various pages that have helpful information about Southern Comfort especially for new people. There are also several links to web pages with information that is helpful if you are looking for something to do in the Rio Grande Valley or trying to figure out where you want to dance this week, etc. Check it out! No sign-up is necessary – just go to the website listed above.

Southern Comfort Friends Group: If you are on Facebook, sign up for the Southern Comfort Friends Group. This is a place where present and past residents including Winter Texans keep up with each other and what is happening at the park. If there is a change in the schedule of an event, it will be on this page. Reminders are also given for things like Dances and Entertainment, Special Events and Meals.  Go to your Facebook page and search for Southern Comfort Friends and ask to join. 

Southern Comfort Yard Sale:  You can also ask to join Southern Comfort Yard Sale.  This is a Facebook group where residents of Southern Comfort can advertise things that they want to sell to other residents of the park. Go to your Facebook page and search for Southern Comfort Yard Sale and ask to join. 

Southern Comfort Summer Newsletter: During the summer months, a summer newsletter is sent out just to keep everyone apprised of what is going on in the park. If you would like to be on the list for this letter or removed from this list, send an e-mail to:

Bulletin Boards:  A bulletin board above the table by the back door contains posters of upcoming Entertainment and Dances at Southern Comfort. The next board along the back wall lists the special activities for the current week. (Note that this list will not include the regular weekly activities that are shown on the top of the monthly activities calendar.) Take a tour around the Hall and check out the various bulletin boards and what information is available to you.

Signup/Registration Tables in the back of the Hall (to the right of the door):  Sign up Sheets for all of the new activities will be there. Check them out at least weekly and keep busy!

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