Congratulations to our “YOUR LUCKY DAY” winners.
The winners of the Scavenger hunt were, Alice Moore, Myrna Nanson and their driver, Ron Molter.
The winner of the Poker Run was Sue Bauscher. She won $30 and a Panda Express Gift Basket.
Thank Yous:
Lee and I would like to thank all the volunteers who helped us with the St. Patrick’s Day Events: Tom and D’Esta Crouch, Maynard and Caroline Edwards, Jim and Sondra Plowman, Dick and Mary Lou Klinger, Harold and Judy Zimmerman, Bill and Elaine Austin, Bob and Connie Carlson, Josie Zepeda and, of course, our sidekick, Marlene.
We heard from many of you that waited for the St. Patrick’s Day parade and finally had to give up. We really are not sure what happened. We heard from someone that there were only five carts that showed up. I don’t know if they just didn’t do it at that point or if they just went around Country Sunshine. I think it was probably the weather but I am sorry that we were not able to let you know. I asked Debbie if they were going to cancel it because of weather and she said they only cancel because of rain so that was the best information I had.
It is hard to be successful with outdoor activities when the weather will not cooperate. We didn’t get a lot of participation in our outdoor activities but from what we gather, those that did participate had a great time. The green beer seemed to be a hit in the Hall and Carlos did a great job, as usual. Hopefully, next season we’ll have better weather!
Border Patrol Project: We brought in a total of $827 for 64 meals which meant $379 was donated over and above the meal. Thank you all for your contributions to the Explorer Post. This will help them send the troop to Washington D.C.
The Aurora House: The Bake Sale at our March 12th Craft Show brought in $386 for the Aurora House. Thank you for purchasing some sweet goodies that helps the people at Aurora House.
PHOTO DIRECTORY: If you haven’t had your picture taken for the Directory, please stop in the office and see us. We will be finished taking pictures for the Directory on March 22nd as we have to get them to Rod so he can get to work on the directories.
ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEETS: If you haven’t completed an Activity Sheet for next season yet, please get it to me this week. I am starting next season’s calendars now. I won’t be finalizing them, of course, but what has been scheduled thus far will be on them.
Riverside Cruise:
There are still a few seats for the Riverside Dreamer Cruise which is scheduled for March 23rd. There is a signup sheet in the back of the hall with the details. This is our last trip for the season.
Lee and I have been amazed at the number of prizes that have been awarded during this season thanks to our clerk, Marlene Duke. She keeps track each year of how much those prizes are worth. This year Marlene’s efforts have resulted in free meals, coupons, gift certificates and other gifts amounting to approximately $8000. Let’s not contact the IRS! Her prizes and coupons were used for every Monday morning meeting, every dance, and larger prizes for New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day. Whenever I said I needed something special, she went out and found someone to give it to us. Not everyone can schmooze and do what Marlene does and I think she deserves a big hand for all she does to make our park a happier place.
Tomorrow at 11:30 AM Peter Piper Pizza
Also tomorrow from 2-5 PM Meet & Greet Bash with new Residents w/MC Express. Wear your badges and prepare to have fun!! Note that this is a time change from what is on the calendar. We decided we needed a bit more time for this event.
March 20th, Wednesday, 11:30 Shuffleboard Luncheon in the Hall
March 22nd, Friday at 8:30 AM Friendly Shuffle.
March 23rd, Saturday, Boat Trip on the Riverside Dreamer and Lunch (sign up at the back of the Hall). If you haven’t paid for your Riverside Dreamer tickets, please stop in the office this week.
March 25th, Monday – Last Monday Morning Meeting.
March 26th, at 1:30 PM: We will have a Summer Club Meeting here in the Hall to discuss what we want on the calendar for this summer. I have some ideas and I would like to hear yours.
April 8th, Monday – First Summer Club Meeting – I’m giving myself a week off for good behavior! LOL
This week at Country Sunshine:
March 20th Lunch will be served from 11 to 12:30 PM.
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