Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March 26 2019 - Summer Club Organizational Meeting

1.    Calendar – I do plan on putting out a calendar for each month. I will have one out for April as soon as we discuss some ideas that I have for the month. I am also open to any ideas that any of you have.
2.   I would like to include all the games that will be going on during the summer on the calendar. So far I know that the following activities will be on schedule for the summer:
a.     Water Aerobics – M-F time?
b.   Dummy Rummy – M-F time?
c.     Mondays – Bingo at 7 PM
d.    ? – Loco Crazy 8’s at 6:30 PM in the Outback
e.    Tuesdays – Fast Track – 6:30 PM in the Hall
f.     Wednesdays – Dirty Board– 6:30 PM in the Hall
g.   I believe the Billiards schedule remains the same as in the winter. Is that correct?
h.   Would anyone be interested in playing Bean Bag Baseball this summer?
i.      Any other games that should be added to the calendar?
3.   Potlucks – how often?
4.   Brunch – how often?
5.   Happy Hours – we can continue having Happy Hours during the summer and invite other parks to join us if you are interested? Diego does not do them in the summer though as I asked Edith but there are others who might be willing to perform.
6.   Dances: There are dances that go on during the summer and I can post those on our calendars. For instance, Trophy Gardens has dances every Saturday night if we would like to attend those. I picked up their schedule. Their first dance is on April 6th and will be Bottom Line for $6. That is followed in April by Sweet water, Diego and Steven May.
7.   Arts & Crafts – If anyone is interested in leading an arts and crafts session during the summer, let me know.
8.   Outings – I would like to do some group outings this summer if any of you are interested. One of the places that I thought would be a nice place to eat would be The Long Horn Cattlemen’s Club in Harlingen. Their meats are cooked over an open mesquite fire. They have long horn cattle that you can see in their yard. Their meals run from $10.95 to $21.95.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Riverside Dreamer Cruise

We took our last trip for the season - a boat ride on the Riverside Dreamer which docks at the Riverside Club on the Rio Grande River in Mission, Texas. It was a beautiful day!

The Riverside Dreamer is a large enclosed pontoon boat that carries about 44 passengers. We took the hour cruise with dinner afterward.  The Captain is very knowledgeable about the area and gave us information on what we were seeing. The United States side of the river is all in a nature preserve and is not open to the public. It is, therefore, a lot of green trees and grasses. The Mexican side of the border is built up with a lot of recreation areas and is very scenic. 

 Our Manager, Victoria, and her 
two children, Dylan and Juliette.

After the cruise we all went inside where we had reserved seats for lunch. One of the favorite lunches at Riverside are the massive tenderloin sandwiches. They are soooo good!

Tenderloin Sandwich

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Meet & Greet Bash

We are blessed at Southern Comfort to have many new residents this season. Today we had a Meet & Greet Bash in the Hall starting at 2 PM.

As soon as we had a good bunch of people in the Hall, Lee, Marlene and I had the new people to stay as couples and we put one couple at a table. Then we added people that weren't new residents.

When everyone was in a group, we gave them questions to answer about themselves to get them started in a conversation. They did a 15 minute first session and then the new couples stayed in place and everyone else moved so that the new people were introduced to as many people as we could do with three changes of tables. It looked like it was going very well and there was certainly a lot of talking!

A few minutes about 3 PM, MC Express started entertaining the group. Some listened and some danced. It was a fun party.

Lee and Victoria were chosen to do a Banjo and Guitar Duet on this brooms. They did a good job! I didn't know they had such talent!

Marlene doing some cleanup

Victoria, Jeanette and Marlene doing the Cupid Shuffle.

Mark Brummond sang to one of our new residents.

I decided that her husband deserved some attention!