Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Summer Club Meeting Minutes - 4/23/19

The Pledge of Allegiance

There is a signup sheet at the back table for hosting some of the summer events like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, etc. I would really love it if someone or a couple of you could sign up for Mother’s Day and Memorial Day right away as those are this month. The Mother’s Day would be a meal and maybe some entertainment and Memorial day would be a meal and a short program. As I’ve told many of you there are some things I am good at but planning and making meals is not one of them so I do need your help and Jenny has already done two meals for this season! If you need help making the posters or signup sheets or getting some entertainment, give me a call. I can help with that.

Calendars for May will be in the back of the Hall this week. There are a couple items that are not quite set in stone yet. When those items get finalized, I’ll put sign up sheets out so watch for them.

A few items have been changed for May that you need to know about today:  (a) Chair Yoga is now in the Exercise Room starting at 8 AM. (b)     LCR is now scheduled for every other Thursday at 2 PM in the Hall. There is a signup sheet at the back of the Hall. (c)  Some of you signed up for the Cinco de Mayo celebration and the meal that was planned for May 5th.  Debbie called me yesterday to cancel this event because Diego was not going to be able to entertain us.

We can still celebrate Cinco de Mayo, however, because the City of Harlingen has a wonderful free festival which they are having this year on May 3rd.  This celebration includes Mexican Folklorico dancers, artistic vendors and food vendors. I have heard that this event is very well done. You can sign up for it at the back of the Hall today.  

I have put out other trip sheets in the back that include a lunch at the New York Deli which is now on South Kansas Ave in Weslaco. We really like the food at this deli and they have a really big menu for a small deli. Sign up today as we are limited to a seating of 25.
I’ve also scheduled a trip to Nana’s Taqueria for dinner and Mariachi entertainment on May 16th. There is no limit on how many of us can attend this one. The food is wonderful and the entertainment is great. The drinks aren’t bad either!

There are a couple more trips to sign up for now in the back but they are later in the month. Also, make sure you watch the table in the back of the Hall for what is happening during the summer months. There will be more signups when the two holiday meals are scheduled but I may hear of something that we might try so keep a look out.

We also had some discussion on financing and there will be more discussion on this at the next meeting.

Vicky reported that there was a break-in at Paradise South and three houses and three cars were affected. It was also reported that there were break-ins at Ranchero Village. Vicky explained that Paradise South has a very high fence and gate. Their gate is a rolling gate. The fact of the matter is that crooks can get in if they want in. Our best line of defense is to keep our vehicles and homes locked and our next line of defense is our Neighborhood Watch Group. Vicky also suggested that when we go through the gate and someone is behind us to sit in front of the gate until it closes so that the person behind us has to use their access or call the office and follow protocol.
Our next meeting is on May 7th as we are doing the meetings every other week.

If you have an idea for a Trip or something you would like to do this summer, just give me a call. I’m open to suggestions.

Thanks much to Jenny Draper and the rest of the crew in the kitchen and those that brought in the fruit and the egg casseroles. The brunch today was wonderful!

Mary Benfield

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