First a couple of Thanks
I'd also like to thank Danny
Haller and Phyllis Talbot for attending the Entertainment Showcase at Mission
Bell with us. It was another long day but we think you’ll be really happy with
the entertainment and dance bands that we’ve selected for next season.
Also, thanks to Connie
Carlson for decorating the hall for Valentine’s Day. It looks terrific!
6th – We’ll be having a Party Under
the Palms. The Happy Hour will start at 4 PM and the party will begin at 5
PM. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy the music of the Amigos and lawn games like
Giant Jenga. We’re going to have to cookout.Victoria and Deb have something
special in store for you.
14th (Valentine’s Day) – We’ll have a special
Valentine’s here at Southern Comfort. We are going to have a dinner and a show.
We are still working on the details of the dinner. The show will be a Beards
In Bras Beauty Contest. Beards in Bras is a “womanless” beauty contest. The contestants
will showcase their talent, creative costumes and interview questions for your
delight and amazement. It should be a really fun evening!
20th – I’ve added another dance on the
20th with the Roger Kenaston Band. It is another band that I think
you will enjoy but I’ll want your feedback on whether to bring them in next
Also, on that same note, I checked and got thumbs up
on the Texas Wheels Band and those of us that were there really enjoyed them. The
Band, however, has decided not to come back because they recognize their
followers and could tell that we didn’t have much of a crowd from our own park.
and Outings:
29th – Hilltop Gardens Tour. Lee has a map of how to get
to the Gardens if you need it. Just stop in the Activities Office. You can meet
in front of the Hall by 8:45 AM and decide who is riding with whom. If you
leave here by 9 AM, you will arrive by 9:45 AM at Hilltop Gardens. The cost is
$8 per person and there is a signup in the back. You can pay when you arrive at
the Gardens.
2nd (Saturday), join
us as we attend the South Padre Island
Outdoor Kite Festival. The Kite Festival is on February 1st and
2nd. We plan on attending on Saturday, leaving here at 10 AM o’clock.
Take your lawn chair, sun screen, hats and cameras. You can bring your own
lunch and drinks or buy a hamburger or hotdog from one of the vendors. Then it
is time to sit and watch some choreographed kite flying. It is pretty amazing
what these flyers can make their kites do. It is a real treat to watch them
perform. Then you can stop and eat dinner at your favorite restaurant on the
way home. The signup sheet is at the back of the Hall. There is no charge for
the event.
4th from 2 to 4 PM – Take a cruise
on The Southern Wave which is a large, stable and comfortable
sailing Catamaran that is perfect for a leisurely day's sail. The on-board Chef prepares a
feast of Grilled Shrimp, Chicken and Beef Fajitas and Fresh Fruit. They also
have a musician onboard to entertain us as we sail. At our last park this was
the favorite of all the trips that we sent out. The price is $32 per person and
you can pay by check to Sail SPI. If we get 40 people to go we will
fill the boat and two people will go for free. We will draw name for that. You
can sign up for this trip today with Josie Zepeda at the back of the Hall. They will accept checks or cash.
February 5th – I had a request for Vipers Basketball Game tickets. We have
received a package deal. A bus will pick you up here at an appointed time and
take you all out to eat. We’ll get the time after they figure out how many
parks are taking advantage of this deal and how they are going to transport all
of us. After they pick us up, we’ll head over to the new Bert Ogden arena for a
Vipers vs North Arizona Game. You’ll also receive a T-shirt. All of that for
$35 each. Lee will be signing you up at the back of Hall today for this trip.
13th at 11 AM – Arrive at Riverside Club in Mission for
an hour cruise on the Rio Grande River and then have lunch. The cruise is $11
for seniors. After the tour, you can choose from their menu at lunch. Signup in
the back of the hall. We don’t have to collect ahead of time on this trip. You
can pay when you arrive.
THIS WEEK (Jan 21st – Jan 27th):
22nd (Tuesday) we can enjoy the Chili
Cookoff at 4 PM here in the Hall. Bill McPherson will be giving you more
information on this a little later.
23rd (Wednesday) – From 3 to 6 is Canada
Day in the Hall and the “in park” Cribbage
Playoffs will be held at 6:30 PM in the Outback..
24th at 10 AM – Merle Norman will be in the Outback to
give the facials to the ladies that had signed up previously and were stood up!
Also on the 24th, the Abba Fab Concert
is at Country Sunshine. There is a matinee and evening show. If you don’t have your tickets, contact Debbie
in the Activities Office at Country Sunshine to see what is available.
January 25th – There is a Friendly
January 26th – The Minnesota
Brunch will be held in the Hall from 11 to 1:30 PM.
That evening at 7 PM
(Saturday), we have dance with Regan James, Hired Hand. Tickets are available at
the door for $6.
January 27th – The Midwest State
Potluck (States include: Kansas, Missouri, Colorado,
Arkansas and Oklahoma) will be held in the Outback at Noon.
Please let us know if anyone has a Croquet Set or a Ladder Golf Game. We'd like to use these at our Party Under the Palms Event which will be on February 6th.
Get your tickets for the:
Winterfest at Schlitterbahn Beachfront Resort - Schlitterbahn has an annual Music Festival and this year it will be on Wednesday, January 30th, from 10 AM to 5 PM. The music lineup includes Jeff Gordon, Lobo Del Mar, Diego, Jason Whorlow (the piano man), AbbaFab (the same tribute we have as part of the Encore Tribute Concerts) Tavie’s Rock & Roll and Leslie Blasing. Lee and I have a limited number of discounted tickets available in the Activities Office. Our advance tickets are $20. The at-the-gate tickets are $25. A meal of fish or shrimp basket with cole slaw and hushpuppies is included. Then, if you want to stay for the evening, you can add a resort room for $59 which is a major reduction in the price. Stop in the office if you are interested. It sounds like a great time!
29th – Hilltop Gardens Trip - Signup sheet in the back of the Hall.
February 2nd – Trip – SPI Kite Festival - Signup sheet in the back of the Hall.
February 4th - Trip - Catamaran Cruise at
SPI - Signup sheet in the Back of the Hall - Stop in the office and see Lee to pay for the trip.
February 7th - The Day The Music Died
Concert (Buddy Holly) at Country Sunshine. For tickets check with Country
Sunshine Activity Office.
February 13th – Trip – Riverside Dreamer
Cruise and Dinner - Signup in the back of the Hall - pay when you arrive at the Riverside Dreamer.
February 14th – Valentine’s Dinner and
Beards in Bras Show - Will be signing up next week.
February 15th - The Ultimate Rolling Stones
Tribute Concert
February 17th - 50th Anniversary Party (Ross
& Mary Yocum) – All are Invited
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