Sunday, December 30, 2018

Monday Morning Meeting Notes - Dec 31, 2018


First of all, I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year. Let's hope it is a year of good health, great friendships, and lots of fun here at Southern Comfort!

I’m excited to start the new year as your Activity Director and even more excited that Lee and Marlene will be working with me during this season. I think we will make a great team. My emphasis as Activity Director is to make sure that all of you have a great time at Southern Comfort and have lots of opportunities for things to do. I want Southern Comfort to be an enjoyable place to be and I know Victoria shares that goal. So, let’s work together to spread the love! 

Activity Surveys:

Another goal in my position of Activity Director is to make sure that all of our residents are treated fairly and with respect. If you feel like you aren't treated that way by an employee, I hope you will let me or Victoria know. We want to make this an enjoyable place to live or stay for the winter. So let's spread the love.

We have received a lot of surveys back with valuable information and we thank everyone who took the time to complete them. If you haven’t completed yours yet, there is still time. This survey is a way  to let us know what you are looking for with respect to activities. It is also a safe way to express any frustrations that you’ve experienced in the past with regard to Activities including the Kitchen. We really cannot fix problems that we don’t know exist.

Lee has been putting the information from the surveys into a spreadsheet so that we have a good idea of what you all are looking for. When he completes that process, he will prepare a summary, as best as he can, of what we learned and we’ll share that with all of you.

We are planning on using the information from the surveys to help us book your Dances, Happy Hours, Entertainment and other activities. Remember, if you don’t tell us what you want, you can’t complain if you don’t get it. Our calendar for January only has one Happy Hour on it and I did not get time to see if I could remedy that situation. I will look into that this week and let you know if I am able to book a couple more of them. I know you really enjoy them.

On January 9th and 17th, we will be attending two days of an Entertainment Showcase. We will have to leave early on the 9th because we need to be back for the Welcome Back Dinner because of the change in the date for it. At these showcases, all of the Activity Directors that attend get to experience the entertainers that are available for shows or dances for next season. We get to take two other people with us on each day and we have selected people that regularly attend dances and entertainment. Two are relatively new to the park and two have been here for many years. It will be a  a long and rigorous couple of days but while we are there, we can book acts for the following season. I will try pick up some additional bands for this season as well. So, get those surveys back because we are looking at numbers of people who like what music and what groups.


As some of you are aware, I’ve done my best in the past to improve the communications in the park with Southern Comfort Friends and the Yard Sale Facebook Groups. It has helped but it really isn’t enough and many of you aren’t even on Facebook.

So, I'm dedicating this meeting to improving the communications between the Activity Department and all of you as residents.  

I have a developed a new way to communicate what is happening in Activities. I have started a Blog called the Southern Comfort Activities Blog. I started one of these at the last park that we stayed at. It was very successful there and still is. The nice thing about a blog is that you don't have to sign up for anything in order to use it. You just do a search on the web so that anyone with access to a computer can access it.  

The blog contains Pages, Links and Posts.
  • Pages have been set up with information that may be valuable to you. For example, one page contains the Minutes of the last Town Hall Meeting.
  • Links are a way of finding information easily. I have set up links to various websites that will give you information about events and happenings in the Valley.
  • Posts are the main part of a blog. Every time you open the blog, you will probably see a new Post. Last night I posted the Notes for today’s Meeting.  From now on, you won’t have to take a lot of notes as the information will be there for you when you get home.
  • There are also posts on various events at the park including pictures. Pictures are better put on the blog because they are easily retrievable. There are posts with pictures from some of our Christmas activities.
There are several advantages to a blog. If you like what you see but don’t want to keep checking to see what is new, you can choose to have a notification sent to you by e-mail to let you know when something new has been added to the blog.

Another advantage to the blog is that if it is kept up, people in the area who are looking for a place to stay may come across it. It is a great way to sell our park. Our last park started seeing increased business from people who were searching for a place in the valley. They often mentioned it when they came into the park. I hope that happens here too.

So, when you get back home, take a look at the blog. I hope you enjoy it.

And, since we've had so many changes in the staff, Lee has updated the Southern Comfort Information Card. The Information card has the website for the blog on the bottom of the card. Those cards were on the greeting table so if you didn’t pick one up, you can do so after the meeting. My business cards are also there.


Lee is the Coordinator for the Encore Games and he’ll be visiting with all the appropriate Team Leaders this week.  He’ll be in touch either by phone or he'll stop in to see you when your group is playing. One of the first things we'll need from the Team Leaders is the number and sizes of the t-shirts that you need for your team. I will have to get that order in soon. 


Also, we would love to see a good representation from our park at the Golden Age Olympics. I have the information about it in our office and we'll talk more about it next week. I will be putting out a signup sheet for people who would like to join us for the Walk & Talk and the Movie Screening. These two events are free and we can do some ride sharing to get us all there. Next week we'll spend some time talking a little more about both the Encore and the Golden Olympics Games.

Finally, let’s talk about what is happening this week:

We have a new game starting up on Tuesday, January 8th, Pokeno in the Outback. I know you need some change to play this game. Contact Marilynn Rounds for more information.

I was asked to remind people that Bean Bag Baseball will meet in the Hall at 1:30 PM on Mondays as shown on the calendar.

The Border Patrol Trip is on hold until the Government Shutdown is over. I did check with them and it is not actually a tour anymore. They just give a talk and are open to questions. So, when everything settles down and they are back at work, I’ll see if they will come here since we had so many that are interested.

TONIGHT: New Year's Eve Dance with Stephen May - from 8 to Midnight. If you haven't purchased your tickets yet, you can purchase them after the meeting. I do want to let you know that we will have several awesome Door Prizes that will be given away at the break. One of them is a membership to Tierra Santa Golf Course that does not expire until November 6th of 2019. It also includes one free round of golf. So, if any of you golfers don’t have plans yet for New Year’s, you might want to join the party.
Tickets are $18. BYOB and bring your own snacks to share with your table mates. The Concession Stand will be open for ice, water and pop. The tables will be decorated and hats and noise makers are in abundance.

January 2nd - Tour of the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan. There is no fee but a donation would be accepted.  Sister Rose gives a wonderful tour and talks about the story of Our Lady of San Juan and how the basilica came to be. She also takes you behind the scenes. It is an enjoyable tour. You can choose to eat lunch in their little cafeteria or go elsewhere. There is also a very nice gift shop on the property.  The tour starts at 10 AM. Lee suggests that you leave here by 9:15 AM so that you have time to park and walk up to the Basilica. Go into the Main Entrance to get the tour. You may want to carpool. If you do, park in front of the Hall at 9AM and figure out who can ride with whom. If you plan to arrive at 9:45 AM, this should give you plenty of time to get there.

January 3rd from 3 PM To 4:30 – Happy Hour with Diego (Pass the Hat).

January 4th 10 AM Sky Med Luncheon and Presentation starting at 10 AM in the Hall. You need to be signed up in order to participate in the luncheon. The signups are at the back of the hall.
We have already had a lot of requests for Country Bands on the surveys and this month we have three country bands:

High Country will be here on January 5th, at 7 PM. The tickets are $7 in advance and $8 at the door. High Country is a country dance band with Lead and Steel guitars, keyboard, Bass and drums. They play country music from the 50's thru current. We haven’t heard them so we’ll be there to check them out.

Regan James Hired Hand is on  for a dance on January 26.  Regan is a country music performer from Minnesota who prides himself on his ability to sing all genres of music including Classic Country, newer Country, and 50's through 80's Rock music.    
Texas Wheels is booked for a dance the 15th. I booked this band this week because I think you will really like them. They are getting more popular every week. They play for Fun n’ Sun and Victoria Palms on a regular basis and they do a lot of their own advertising so that their groupies follow them from place to place. They are country but they mix it up with many other types of music also.  I hope those of you that asked for country dances will attend these three and give me some input on who you want back. I will be adding some dances in February and March and they will be a mix of country, rock & roll or a mix.

Marlene and I will be handing out the Welcome Back Dinner Tickets today after the meeting at the back of the hall so you can stop and get yours at our table. We need to have you initial that you received your tickets.

Lee will be selling tickets today at the back of the hall for the High Country Dance and the tickets for the New Year’s Dance. 

We hope that you will find it convenient to purchase your tickets after the meetings. If you do, we will continue to do that.

There are lots of fun things happening this month and I have put the upcoming events on the blog as well as on the calendar so you can check it out.


We had several people come to the Pancake Breakfast that had not signed up. Please do sign up for the breakfasts and cookouts. This helps the cooks fix enough for everyone.


1.   I am pleased to announce that Connie Carlson has agreed to be the Chair of the Hall Decorating Committee.  Estella has done the decorating for many years but she has asked if she could be relieved of that duty because it is getting too difficult for her. Connie will be looking for other volunteers to get the job done because it is a big one!

2.   While we are talking about the New Year’s Eve Dance, if you would be willing to help set up tables, stop in the office and let Lee know. We’ll be setting the tables and chairs up at 4 PM today. We could not set up earlier because of Bean Bag Baseball and the maintenance guys leave at 3:30 PM.

3.   We REALLY need some clean beer cans for the Trailer Trash Party. If you have some that are ready to recycle, please drop them off in the Activities Office. After we are done with them, we’ll put them in the recycle box.

January 7th  at 10 AM – Merle Norman Facials in the Outback. You must have signed up to get the facial. 

January 8th – SC Craft Show 

January 8th at 5 PM – Potluck Dinner in the Hall (4 pm Happy Hour) 

January 9th at 5 PM – Welcome Back Dinner compliments of Encore. Greg Jones will be entertaining us from 3 to 5 PM followed by a catered dinner. You must be signed up and have a ticket for the meal. This meal is for Encore residents only and no guests are allowed unless they are staying overnight in your unit. 

January 10th at 7 PM – Encore Tribute Concert - Paperback Writer Tickets are still available at Country Sunshine activities office.

January 12th :  Cookout, Happy Hour and Horse Races. 

January 13th 6 PM, Ice Cream Social (serving Milk Shakes (Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry) $1.50 each.

January 13th 7 PM, Adam Pope will be entertaining us in the Hall. Tickets are $7 and are on sale in the back of the Hall today.

January 14th, 1 PM, in the Hall - There will be a New Bee Meeting - a meeting for new residents. Cookies and Juice will be served. 

January 15th, 7 PM - We will have a dance with Texas Wheels. The tickets are $6. They are a terrific country band but they do a bit of rock and roll too. If you haven't heard them, then you are in for a treat. Several of the surveys have asked for some country bands and so I added this band. I hope you will come out and see what they do. They have a great following and I know you will enjoy them so mark your calendars. We want to hear from you if you want them back.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


We had our annual Christmas Dinner at Southern Comfort. Encore provided a turkey for every table as a Christmas gift to us. Then each group made arrangements to have the turkey cooked and decided who was bringing what. 

We had a nice crowd and it looked to me like everyone got plenty of wonderful food! 

 There were several familly groups with us today 
and I was a bit jealous!!

Sunday, December 23, 2018


Country Sunshine and Southern Comfort join together for the Annual Christmas Golf Cart Parade. It is always a blast!  Then at the end of the evening the winners of the House Lighting Contests are announced and also the winner of the best decorated golf cart.

The Lobdells won the prize for the best decorated Golf Cart!

Darrell and Joyce Lobdell won the Traveling Trophy for the Christmas Golf Cart Parade. They will have to pass it on to the winners next year!